Assignment 1: Create 4 articles as below: =================================================== Article 1: Article Title: Vitamin B Content: Vitamin B helps the body in getting or making energy from the food you eat. They also help form red blood cells. You can get B vitamins from proteins such as fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products. Status: Published Featured: Yes ----------------------------------------------- Article 2: Article Title: Benefits of Nutrients Content: Nutrient is a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth.Some nutrients provide energy, while others are essential for growth and maintenance of the body. There are 6 types of nutrients: 1. Carbohydrates 2. Protein 3. Fat 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals and 6. Water Status: Published Featured: Yes ----------------------------------------------- Article 3: Article Title: Fish Content: Eating fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients keep our heart and brain healthy. Our bodies don't produce omega-3 fatty acids so we must get them through the food we eat. Status: Published Featured: Yes ----------------------------------------------- Article 4: Article Title: Green Vegetables Content: Vegetables contain an array of antioxidants and other disease-fighting compounds that are very difficult to get anywhere else. Plant chemicals called phytochemicals can reduce inflammation and eliminate carcinogens, while others regulate the rate at which your cells reproduce, get rid of old cells and maintain DNA. Studies have repeatedly shown that people with higher vegetable intake have: Lower risk of life threatening diseases Reduced risk of kidney stones and bone loss Higher scores on cognitive tests Higher antioxidant levels (Put these points as a bulleted list) Status: Published Featured: Yes ================================================================== Assignment 2: Step 1: Create a new category Carbohydrates. Step 2: Click on Parent drop-down on the right and select Nutrients. Step 3: Click on Save and Close. ================================================================== Assignment 3: Step 1: Click on Benefits of Nutrients article. Step 2: Change the category to Nutrients. Step 3: Click on Save and Close. ================================================================== Assignment 4: Step 1: Create a new category Food Sources. Step 2: Create 2 subcategories Veg Sources and Non-veg Sources under the category Food Sources. Step 3: Assign the article Fish to Non-Veg sources. Step 4: Assign the article Green Vegetables to Veg Sources. Step 5: Refresh the Homepage. Step 6: Observe the changes and understand what has happened. ================================================================== Assignment 5: Step 1: Delete the category Veg Sources. Step 2: Try to restore it back. Hint: See if you can use Status filter. ================================================================== Assignment 6: Step 1: Edit the category Vitamins to add a description. Step 2: Change the settings to show the description and number of articles in a category. Step 3: Refresh the Homepage. Step 4: Observe the changes and understand what has happened.