The Tutorials in this series are created in XAMPP 5.5.19 on Ubuntu 14.04. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Read more
Foss : PHP and MySQL - English
Outline: MySQL (Part 2) Connecting to the database and inserting dummy data into the database. mysql_connect("server_addr", "username", "password") - Connect to the Database Server with..
Outline: MySQL (Part 3) Writing some data into the database (INSERT and UPDATE Queries). mysql_query('TYPE_HERE_YOUR_MYSQL_QUERY') - This function is used to run specific queries on our..
Outline: MySQL (Part 4) Getting data from the database table and displaying it. SELECT QUERY - SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE att1='abc' // Query returns the value from the database whe..
Outline: MySQL (Part 5) mysql_fetch_assoc — Fetch a result row as an associative array. array mysql_fetch_assoc ( resource $result ) //Returns an associative array that corresponds to t..
Outline: MySQL (Part 6) Getting data from the database with the help of an HTML form. Creating a FORM where a user can specify a name and selecting the appropriate value from the databa..
Outline: MySQL (Part 7) Changing the existing values of the databse table using HTML Forms. Update unique records using the id than individual values.
Outline: MySQL (Part 8) DELETE QUERY - To Delete the specific or all the entries of the Database. DELETE FROM table_name WHERE field='xyz' // Deletes the entry from the database where t..
Outline: Simple Visitor Counter Counts how many users have viewed your page as per count of refresh button clicked fopen("file_name","parameter") opens a file (Creates it if not exists)..
Outline: PHP String Functions (Part 1) strlen(string) - This function counts total no of characters, including numbers and white spaces in the string mb_substr(string,starting_positio..
Outline: PHP String Functions (Part 2) strrev(string) -This function is used to reverse the inputed string strtolower(string) -This function is used to convert all alphabatic characters..
Outline: File Upload (Part 1) Setup html form for file uploading Upload file and get file related information like file name, file size, etc Check for error messages after uploading file
Outline: File Upload (Part 2) Move file from temporary area to user specified location Restrict uploading to only specific file type Restrict uploading to a maximum file size
Outline: Cookies (Part 1) What are cookies Set cookies using setcookie function Understaing how to set expiry time of cookies Read and print values from existing cookies Print every ..
Outline: Cookies (Part 2) Check if a cookie exists or not using isset Unset a cookie when no longer required Change the value of a existing cookie
Outline: Sessions A PHP session variable is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session. Session variables hold information about one single user, and are ava..
Outline: MD5 Encryption Calculates the MD5 hash of str using the RSA Data Security, Inc.'s MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, and returns that hash (Its a one way encrypting technique). Synt..
Outline: Sending Email (Part 1) Create HTML form for getting email subject and message from the user Using the mail() function to send email
Outline: Sending Email (Part 2) Validating whether the name and message have been entered by the user Check the length of the string using the strlen() function. Set up the to, subject..
Outline: Sending Email (Part 3) Fix the "Sendmail from not set in php dot ini" error Create the mail "From:" header Using a local or external mail server to send email Using the ini_s..
Outline: Display Images from a Directory Using opendir() to open a directory handle Using readdir() to read a directory that is already opened Printing the directory listing