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Can you share the data sheet of DHT11 sensor? What is the configuration of DHT11 sensor?
It is said in the video that Arduino will take analog data from DHT11 and gives to Arduino. According to Datasheet of DHT11, it is digital sensor sending the data of temperature and humidity in 40 bits or 5 bytes format. Moreover if we connect a DHT11 to any digital pins then also it works properly. So how can we say DHT11 as an analog sensor?According to me, for this tutorial LM35 or simple potentiometer is good and more relevant example than this one.
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Outline:About DHT11 sensor Arduino resolution concepts Circuit connection details of DHT11 sensor and Arduino Features of DHT11 Live setup of the connection Download the DHT11 Arduino library to run this program. Code to detect the temperature and humidity using DHT11 sensor Compile and upload the program Display the output in the Serial Monitor screen Display the output in the Serial Plotter screen
About DHT11 sensor Arduino resolution concepts Circuit connection details of DHT11 sensor and Arduino Features of DHT11 Live setup of the connection Download the DHT11 Arduino library to run this program. Code to detect the temperature and humidity using DHT11 sensor Compile and upload the program Display the output in the Serial Monitor screen Display the output in the Serial Plotter screen
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