#include<stdio.h> #define PRODUCT(n) n*n void main() { int a; a=64/PRODUCT(4); printf("%d",a); } On compiling above program my gcc compiler gives OUTPUT: 64Which is wrong output it should be 4 according to definition.Why it is not considering PRODUCT (4) ?(QUESTION: B.TECH FIRST YEAR RCS-101 AKTU 2017-18)
Hey can any one give suitable example that explain bout Pointer of Function , which explain Pointer with UDF ( User Define Function ) alogn with pass by value and pass by reference in a single program.thanking your hope with quick reply
As CBSE has changed the computer science syllabus from C++ to Python, so is C++ still relevant for school students?
alternate to pointers in Cpp
Can you please explain pointers in detail
Whether pointer is defined by its own address or it stores only memory address ?
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Outline:-പോയിന്റർ -ആമുഖം -പോയിന്ററിന്റെ ഘടന - ഉദാഹരണം : int *iptr; -ഡിക്ലറേഷൻ -ഉദാഹരണം : int a; -(integer a) -int *aptr; -(pointer to an integer *aptr) -aptr = &a; -(aptr set to address of a) -അഡ്രസ് പോയിന്റർ
-പോയിന്റർ -ആമുഖം -പോയിന്ററിന്റെ ഘടന - ഉദാഹരണം : int *iptr; -ഡിക്ലറേഷൻ -ഉദാഹരണം : int a; -(integer a) -int *aptr; -(pointer to an integer *aptr) -aptr = &a; -(aptr set to address of a) -അഡ്രസ് പോയിന്റർ
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