Invitation to Attend “Connect, Simulate and Innovate using Arduino on Cloud”, an awareness programme
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What is the difference between text-align and direction because both work as same
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Outline:Text Properties in CSS • Format and style text elements • Use of color names, hexadecimal values and RGB values to set the text color • Align the text horizontally using left, right, center and justify options • Indent the text using the length values - cm, px, and % • Change the letter spacing and word spacing of the text • Set the line height of the text • Set the direction property using ltr and rtl values • Transform the text using values • Decorate the text • Apply shadow effect on the text
Text Properties in CSS • Format and style text elements • Use of color names, hexadecimal values and RGB values to set the text color • Align the text horizontally using left, right, center and justify options • Indent the text using the length values - cm, px, and % • Change the letter spacing and word spacing of the text • Set the line height of the text • Set the direction property using ltr and rtl values • Transform the text using values • Decorate the text • Apply shadow effect on the text
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