Hi, Unable to solve the flow sheet and showing some error. Sharing the link below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MDr1ZFmp5zkcI9tGBTzlaZ_NiiBS3ez0/view?usp=share_link Kindly help
When I tried to open capeopen to select chemsep there is no list i.e shown from where I can make selection please help me with it.
Can we get guideline for how to add chemsep column in cap open editor window ? It is also helpful if we get separate video for cape open peration
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Outline:Adding CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation to the flowsheet Connecting inlet, outlet and energy streams Defining Expose energy ports Defining the Operation process in the column Defining Number of stages and Feed stage Selecting Condenser and Reboiler type Specifying the Thermodynamic of the column Defining the Pressure Profiles in Chemsep column Defining the Column Product Specifications
Adding CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation to the flowsheet Connecting inlet, outlet and energy streams Defining Expose energy ports Defining the Operation process in the column Defining Number of stages and Feed stage Selecting Condenser and Reboiler type Specifying the Thermodynamic of the column Defining the Pressure Profiles in Chemsep column Defining the Column Product Specifications
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