Sir,I am getting the conversation percentage of nitrogen dioxide in assignment question as very low which is 5.34316E-05. I would like to know whether it is correct or not?
unable to get the option of reaction set in gibbs reactor property window after adding no reaction in reaction set .
I am using DWSIM 6.1 VERSION and i couldn't find 'Minimization Method' in 'Calculation parameters'. Where could I find it ?
After solving flowsheet ,in the results section i am unable to see the reaction extent their.
If reaction extent is to be calculated in newer version, then how to do it?
Due to default minimization option in newer version, as I solve the flowsheet, reactions in results tab is remaining empty. I cant get reaction extent. pls help
I am getting a convergence error on running the simulation using no reaction set. Can you explain me why this error occurs?
I defined all the parameters as mentioned in the tutorial and cross-checked them thrice. But still I am getting "Gibbs Reactor: Convergence Error" on solving Flowsheet.
After doing all the connections, as i am clicking solve flowsheet, convergence error is coming. Why is it so?
As I connected the streams to the gibbs reactor and clicked on solve flowsheet button it did not get executed.An error occurred saying maximum iterations reached, what does this mean?
1) Error occured during calculation of flowsheet2) Element of matrix not defined3) Maximun number of iterations reached mail is not working , I am trying to mail Gibbs reactor problem1. If you have selected the Minimization Method as Calculate Reaction Extents, then you must add an equilibrium reaction with valid reaction parameters.2. If you have selected the Minimization Method as Direct Gibbs Energy Minimization, then you must select the compounds in the Compounds tab and define the element matrix for the selected compounds in the Elements tab under Calculation Parameters. Also note that while you define the element matrix, please add the elements in the same sequence as shown in the tutorial.
I am getting the error ; Gibbs reactor Maximum iteration is reached.What does maximum iteration meant and why is this error came?
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Outline:Adding Gibbs reactor to the flowsheet Connecting Feed, Product, Energy stream to the reactor Defining the properties of the streams Defining different Minimization Methods Defining Calculation mode and Reactor Temperature Adding Element Matrix Comparing the results of Gibbs Reactor with Equilibrium reactor
Adding Gibbs reactor to the flowsheet Connecting Feed, Product, Energy stream to the reactor Defining the properties of the streams Defining different Minimization Methods Defining Calculation mode and Reactor Temperature Adding Element Matrix Comparing the results of Gibbs Reactor with Equilibrium reactor
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