Invitation to Attend “Connect, Simulate and Innovate using Arduino on Cloud”, an awareness programme
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Outline:About Part Design and Sketcher workbenches. Drawing basic shapes using the Sketcher tools Use basic constrains. Change the length and radius of the drawn figures. Use Escape key or right click to deselect the selected tool. Move the drawing to a convenient place using the move cursor. Create a 3D drawing of Flange coupling. Use the Pad tool to extrude the 2D drawing to the 3D component. Use the Pocket tool to create holes in already existing drawings. Save the drawing with an appropriate name.
About Part Design and Sketcher workbenches. Drawing basic shapes using the Sketcher tools Use basic constrains. Change the length and radius of the drawn figures. Use Escape key or right click to deselect the selected tool. Move the drawing to a convenient place using the move cursor. Create a 3D drawing of Flange coupling. Use the Pad tool to extrude the 2D drawing to the 3D component. Use the Pocket tool to create holes in already existing drawings. Save the drawing with an appropriate name.
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