How to find image coordinate?
How text can be display to point area.Or as Home page.......
How would we know the coordinate of any part of the image?Suppose there is an image of a family and clicking on the faces of different people will open different links ....How would we be able to determine the coordinate?
after typing the code as in <img src="lo.png" alt="LibreOffice" usemap= "#lo"> <map name="lo"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,80,200" alt="Computer" href=""> </map>and refreshing the web pagethe cursor ,on the given position is not changing to hand and therefore not taking to the link??
Again I typed the alt = "My Image" width = "150" and height = "200" >But it is not working and image is not getting smaller
After typing the code in my text file (Atom)<img src = "myimage.png" alt = "My Image" >I am not getting My Image instead of photo icon in the google chrome browser. I am only getting the same page as broken image
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Outline:Embedding Images in HTML How to embed an image using img tag Image Source attribute Alternative text for the image Downloading image from the internet Searching reusable image Creating image as a link Customising the width of an image Customising the height of an image Image Maps Link to image map
Embedding Images in HTML How to embed an image using img tag Image Source attribute Alternative text for the image Downloading image from the internet Searching reusable image Creating image as a link Customising the width of an image Customising the height of an image Image Maps Link to image map
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