In a tutorial video, Employee class is opened but the coding statements are already present there. And due to that I need to type that program by pausing video and some required part which are not completely visible at a time. So I need to copy paste that part from resources folder. Due to this, time required to reproduce some steps increased. So help for the same.
How a dead thread will be restarted?
I conduced workshop on 28.02.2014.But still it shows the approved workshop and the list of completed workshop is empty.How can i get update for this?
744 visits
Outline:subclassing की परिभाषा एक Employee और and Manager क्लास का उपयोग करके class subclassing का डेमो Single inheritance extends keyword का उपयोग super class में प्राइवेट नम्बर्स method overriding की परिभाषा Annotation @Override Annotation
subclassing की परिभाषा एक Employee और and Manager क्लास का उपयोग करके class subclassing का डेमो Single inheritance extends keyword का उपयोग super class में प्राइवेट नम्बर्स method overriding की परिभाषा Annotation @Override Annotation
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