Invitation to Attend “Connect, Simulate and Innovate using Arduino on Cloud”, an awareness programme
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We can check the file size each file in a directory by using the command "$> du -h" ? (True/False)
What is the difference between who and whoami ?
when I save a result in file by ls - l > fileinfo command and then when I will dispaly the file by cat fileinfo command it should print the same result. But why it shows the recently created file fileinfo? Because fileinfo was not stored into filename when I write the command ls -l > fileinfo.
pwd command show me that I am in /home/sanniddha folder. But I have not found this folder. I am using Virtual Box. Where can I find this folder
who am I command not showing anything.
Sir this is a not payable course
I have done to find all files and directories of the directory /usr/lib by entrying command ls /usr/lib on the terminal, but i unable to put same information in a file named result. How can i?I have done creating file name result.
how to submit assignment given in the sessionwhere to submit the assignment
Why Linux commands are case sensitive?
"Who am I " is not working
Is there any differences in files of Linux operating system and Windows
453 visits
Outline: Linux मध्ये General Purpose Utilities। echo uname who passwd date cal Files अपि च directories इत्यनयोः सङ्क्षिप्तावलोकनम्। pwd ls cat
Linux मध्ये General Purpose Utilities। echo uname who passwd date cal Files अपि च directories इत्यनयोः सङ्क्षिप्तावलोकनम्। pwd ls cat
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