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Outline:User Login Part 2 retrieves information about inputed username and checks whether given password matches with the password in database. mysql_query('TYPE_HERE_YOUR_MYSQL_QUERY') - It is used to run specific queries on our database.Here it collects information from field username from specified table. mysql_num_rows('query') - This function is user to counts no of rows retrieved from the query given to the database. mysql_fetch_assoc('query')- This function fetches required information from the database in the form of array.
User Login Part 2 retrieves information about inputed username and checks whether given password matches with the password in database. mysql_query('TYPE_HERE_YOUR_MYSQL_QUERY') - It is used to run specific queries on our database.Here it collects information from field username from specified table. mysql_num_rows('query') - This function is user to counts no of rows retrieved from the query given to the database. mysql_fetch_assoc('query')- This function fetches required information from the database in the form of array.
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