Hellow Sir, I have a problem, I don't know how I will install Ipython application on my window.
Madam/Sir,I am writing this because I am not having my PC with me right now. I am in hospital and may have to wait here for 10 more days, beacuse one of my relatives has fallen very ill and I need to be here in the hospital. But I wanted to learn it via Spoken Tutorial earlier also I learned Java from Spoken Tutorial but right now I don't have my Laptop with me and I am far away from home, travel to take back a Laptop is not a feasible thing. Yes if I would have to take some very important documents then I could have but in an environment like here it may not be good. So, overall, can I learn Python from mobile, I searched and downloaded Pydroid from Playstore. Can I use it. If yes then please guide me how I can use Pydroid or some other apps to learn the same Spoken Tutorial lectures of Python. Hope you will help, because I learned many things from this SpokenTutorial platform.
Q1) What is the meaning of below message?After using %pylab command, i got message as " Using matplotlib backend: Tkgg. %pylab is deprecated, use %matplotlib inline and import the required libraries. populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib." please give your answer. thank you!
Sir, I am doing a course on Python 3.4.3 through SWAYAM portal. I am using PC with Windows-11 Edition - 64 bit OS. Following the guideline provided in the portal I am unable to download ipython 5.1.0. Also the version of Python software downloaded by following the guideline is 3.6.8 not 3.4.3.. Please solve the matter so that I can complete the course without any complication.
Is it necessary to upload assignments? If yes, then how?
How to apply for Exam Name :- Shriya PoteEmail :- shriyapote34@gmail.complease let me know how I can apply for Exam
what is the use of using the ipython and python.and what is the difference in using this both nowadays.is there is anyuse in this generation??
where to attend the online test to get the certificate
Give any example of pylab program to understand easily
how to get attendance for attend the test ?is python and ipython same ?
How to Apply for certificate or Online Test after course
I downloaded Pycharm community. Is it okay to work on it or do I need to download another software?
how to install ipython
Hi,I am doing python course from swayam.can you please guide me how to get the certification and if so, what is the procedure?
I am doing the course from swayam app.Will i recieve the certificate??
Hi mam, Can you explain the use of IPython
when i use cmd and type "start ipython" then start ipython but when i direct use shortcut key then does not start ipython
I tried installing ipython and biopython using synaptic app manager as describe in the file. But in synaptic manager ipython was not showing, instead ipython3 was showing. So i had to install python 3 for ipython3 and biopython. I am doing all following installations with python3 . Even for QGIS. Is there any issue with using python 3 over python 2.7?? Or is it ok.? As both are different. If not please let me know the exact packages in synaptic package manager.
Hi,I am using centos 7, python 3.6.3, ipython3 (version 7.16.1), tab-completion is not working.Please help me out.
Hello,I have centos 7, installed python 3.6.3 and ipython3 (version 7.16.1).issue : tab-completion not working in ipython3.please help me out to resolve the issue.Thank You.partha debparthadeb2004@gmail.com
How do I install IPYTHON
Dear Sir/Ma'amI have installed the Python version 3.6 for Windows as per the installation sheet . I had doubt can two versions of python run simultaneously in a system? Iam a biology student have a bioinformatics software(Autodock) installed in my laptop and the software by default in the package has python version 2.7 ,so when I downloaded python 3.6 it didn't run I had to uninstall the previous software for it to run. So is there any command that helps me have both the versions in the same system or any other suggestion you can give to tackle this problem. If I work with for eg. python 2.7 for this tutorial how do the commands change in the further part of the tutorial ?Will I encounter any major obstacles.Thankyou!
C:\Users\HunTex>ipythonTraceback (most recent call last): File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\application\current.py", line 6, in <module> from contextvars import ContextVarModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'contextvars'During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:Traceback (most recent call last): File "j:\lib\runpy.py", line 193, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", mod_spec) File "j:\lib\runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "J:\Scripts\ipython.exe\__main__.py", line 4, in <module> File "J:\lib\site-packages\IPython\__init__.py", line 56, in <module> from .terminal.embed import embed File "J:\lib\site-packages\IPython\terminal\embed.py", line 16, in <module> from IPython.terminal.interactiveshell import TerminalInteractiveShell File "J:\lib\site-packages\IPython\terminal\interactiveshell.py", line 19, in <module> from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\__init__.py", line 16, in <module> from .application import Application File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\application\__init__.py", line 1, in <module> from .application import Application File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\application\application.py", line 38, in <module> from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\buffer.py", line 28, in <module> from .application.current import get_app File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\application\current.py", line 8, in <module> from prompt_toolkit.eventloop.dummy_contextvars import ContextVar # type: ignore File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\eventloop\__init__.py", line 1, in <module> from .async_generator import generator_to_async_generator File "J:\lib\site-packages\prompt_toolkit\eventloop\async_generator.py", line 5, in <module> from typing import AsyncGenerator, Callable, Iterable, TypeVar, UnionImportError: cannot import name 'AsyncGenerator'C:\Users\HunTex>
Explain invoke the ipython interpreter by typing ipython in the terminal
Hi, I want to know it is a certification course or not? If yes, may I know when will the certification be conducted?
i tried abc + tab but doesnt work
I'm facing traceback error for abs commandIn addition I'm not able perform tab completion operation
Tab console for auto completion is not working for windows OS
Hi,I tried to do the exercise of rectifying error as taught in the video at 09:40 minutes. However the command Ctrl+C is not accepted to do the required function
Sir/Madam can ik know what is the difference between python and Ipython .And also may Ik the steps to download python3 in our mobile or laptop
sir how python is different from ipython.which is the best language used today.
Im using the latest version of python and ipython on Win10 64 Bit, Ive referred github and ive been asked to install the pyreadline package . The Tab completion feature doesnt work in spite of that. Kindly Help me Out
no result in just type P no auto tab works (pri ke baad tab dabane se print type nahi ho raha)ab and then press enter no result show.type P and then enter no result show.
Pressing Tab button doesnot show tab completion and other commands.
Good Evening,Where should we submit our assignment
What is the use of using Ipython and what is the difference between Ipython & python.
How to download ipythen 5.1.0 software?
It gives syntax error everytime I try to install ipython, numpy and matplotlib.
ipython 5.1.0 downloaded but does not install or show anything after clicking setup icon;; please advise
I have installed the Software and also watched the videos. How Will I practice the commands myself. Is there any Integrated Development Environment and how will I install the IDE. Please help.
Sir I used the following commands on ubuntu 18.04:sudo pip install numpysudo pip install scipysudo pip install matplotlib never used the version number in the first tutorial now i am able plot the graph savefig()is there any problem for the version?
Please sir after installing ipython by using 'python -m pip install ipython' in cmd window as per instructions,when trying to run ipython3 it's not giving the same or similar output as installation sheet and even not opening ipython console. Please helpipthon3
Sir, I have installed Python's latest version. After installing as per instruction I opened the cmd window and typed python and getting the output. After that, I got an issue with installing iPython, Numpy, and Matplotlib. Pressing 'Ctrl+Alt+T' I got nothing. Do I have to install iPython and others separately from other sites?Please guide me to install these ASAP.Thanks
First if all I can't locate any code files.And how is ipython differnt from python?what window shoud we open to start the modules.Also, why are different paths given for differnt level of modules.I cant locate those paths.whats pylab interactive shell and python interactive shell?where do I find them. I dont understand any of those terms.please help
hello pls guide me for 64 bit operating system system which python version should i download when i downloaded 64 bit it does not work pls help me which to download and i also cant find i python so i couldnt start pls help me with these thanks
Please sir after installing ipython by using 'python -m pip install ipython' in cmd window as per instructions,when trying to run ipython3 it's not giving the same or similar output as installation sheet and even not opening ipython console. Please help
Write a program to prompt the user for hours and rate per hour using input to compute gross pay. Pay should be the normal rate for hours up to 40 and time-and-a-half for the hourly rate for all hours worked above 40 hours. Put the logic to do the computation of pay in a function called computepay() and use the function to do the computation. The function should return a value. Use 45 hours and a rate of 10.50 per hour to test the program (the pay should be 498.75). You should use input to read a string and float() to convert the string to a number. Do not worry about error checking the user input unless you want to - you can assume the user types numbers properly. Do not name your variable sum or use the sum() function
After installing ipython by using 'python -m pip install ipython' in cmd window as per instructions,when trying to run ipython3 it's not giving the same or similar output as installation sheet and even not opening ipython console. Please help.
I have installed python 3.5.2 but i dont know how to get ipython 5.1.0when i press ctrl+alt+t it shows nothing and in pyhton when pressing ipthon3 at prompt and Enter it says 'ipython3' is not defined.
I am using cygwin in windows 10 for shell environment. I installed python 3.4 package during cygwin installation.But I am unable to install numpy, matplotlib and ipython in cygwin.Any suggestion is appreciated
How to use IPhython and its commands in windows
please provide path to download Ipython for windows 10
I need to execute a postgresql command in python where to_tsquery is the input taken from the user
i'm pressing Ctrl+c key but unable to interrupt the command , I'm Using Anaconda navigator for ipython
How to submmit the assignment
Dear Sir/Madam,I just want to know what changes make it now days peculiar? I also wish to know either learning this is better or previous we learned any language is good one?This is general question??
how to submit the assignment
sir can u please tell the difference between python and Ipython
Dear sirCan I do all this installing python using anaconda ??Also version 3.4.3 is not available so can download another version??Waiting for your reply Thanks
dear sir/mamAssignment-3 1. Check the output of a)round(2.48) the ans is stated as 2.0. but the syntax tells returns a int.kindly clarify
How to save the practice session?
how to install ipython when we already downloaded python 3.5.2 version?although by writing instruction "pip install ipython", ipython is not installing ( I am getting errors )
Respected sir, the course name is python 3.4.3 whereas the downloaded version is 3.6.8also, no guidelines are provided to download ipython in the installation sheet. Kindly reply. Thank you.
what is difference between ipython and python?
can i use anacoda navigator through that lunch jupter notebook
Sir, if I am typing return? it is showing some message and i am not getting its documentation.will you explain me why it is happening so.
It is written in the Instruction Sheet that we can find the ' code files ' below the player, but i cannot see any code files.Are there any other commands we need to practice, if yes what are those ??Kindly help me in this regard.
Dear prof,I have followed all the instructions given in the installation guide. Finally, when I am using %pylab, command window shows the following linesusing matplotlib backend:Tkagg populating the interactive namespace from numphy and matplotlib.I dont know what it means,could you help me
what are the applications of ipython
how to change current working directory so that files saved in my folder run directly
ipython is not available in python.org. Kindly give the link for installing ipython.
Good Evening , Video 20 : Image manipulation using Arrays - English. How to apply images in python? Thank you
sir i have one problem in scilab. the linspace command is not define .. how to correct the error..
how can i save my program in ipython in a file that can be run later?in which language python is designed?for teaching class 12 student which python version (python 3.5 idle, anconda,spyder,ipython) should i use that support django matlab, sql interfacing ,that can be run completely in offline mode in windows based OS.
I got the following syntax error whiling using the command: >>> round?SyntaxError: invalid syntaxPlease guide me
on running the command linspace showing message linspace not define
Dear Professor,I am a beginner of Phython.Which Operating System Shall I use to install the Phython?
features of ipython and its uses in data analytics
Can you provide more details on IPYTHON.
What is the need of indication Out[]?Why it is not showing while using print command?
the command abs? and round? are giving syntax error;.
Sir/Ma'am,Can u please guide me how to check member-functions available in in-built classes ?Thank You
In the video for Exercise 3 I am getting a different solution what they posted as solution 3I am getting the following answersround(2.48) - 2round(2.48,1) - 2.5round(2.484) - 2round(2.484,2) - 2.48Is my answer correct or wrong???
468 visits
Outline:استفاده از پایتون 3.5.2 استفاده از آی پایتون نسخه 5.1.0 آی پایتون یک پایتون تعاملی پیشرفته است. فراخوانی مترجم آی پایتون ترک مترجم آی پایتون حرکت دادن تاریخچه جلسات آی پایتون استفاده از تب – کاپلیشن برای انجام سریعتر مشاهده مستندات توابع با استفاده از علامت سوال. قطع فرمان با استفاده از Ctrl + C در صورت خطا. دستور گرد کردن
استفاده از پایتون 3.5.2 استفاده از آی پایتون نسخه 5.1.0 آی پایتون یک پایتون تعاملی پیشرفته است. فراخوانی مترجم آی پایتون ترک مترجم آی پایتون حرکت دادن تاریخچه جلسات آی پایتون استفاده از تب – کاپلیشن برای انجام سریعتر مشاهده مستندات توابع با استفاده از علامت سوال. قطع فرمان با استفاده از Ctrl + C در صورت خطا. دستور گرد کردن
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