I want to add car names on x axis in bargraph.How to do that ?
I am getting different results compared to those of tutorial video while using str(movies$mpaa_rating) and levels(movies$mpaa_rating) commands. script:- # Declare a variable to read and store moviesData movies <- read.csv("moviesData.csv")# View movies data frame View(movies)# Plot critics_score and audience_score ggplot(data = movies, mapping = aes(x = critics_score, y = audience_score, color = genre)) + geom_point()str(movies$mpaa_rating)levels(movies$mpaa_rating)console:-> # Load ggplot2 > library(ggplot2)> # Clear R workspace> rm(list = ls() ) > # Declare a variable to read and store moviesData > movies <- read.csv("moviesData.csv")> # View movies data frame > View(movies)> # Plot critics_score and audience_score > ggplot(data = movies, + mapping = aes(x = critics_score, + y = audience_sco .... [TRUNCATED] > # Plot critics_score and audience_score > ggplot(data = movies, + mapping = aes(x = critics_score, + y = audience_score,+ color = genre)) ++ geom_point()> str(movies$mpaa_rating) chr [1:600] "R" "PG-13" "R" "PG" "R" ...> levels(movies$mpaa_rating)NULL> str(movies$mpaa_rating) chr [1:600] "R" "PG-13" "R" "PG" "R" ...> levels(movies$mpaa_rating)NULL
On applying the following commands -str(movies$mpaa_rating)level(movies$mpaa_rating)the output is not showing levels-> str(movies$mpaa_rating) chr [1:600] "R" "PG-13" "R" "PG" "R" "Unrated" "PG-13" "R" "Unrated" "Unrated" "PG" ...> levels(movies$mpaa_rating)NULL>
levels(movies$mpaa_rating) - on executing this statement getting as:-str(movies$mpaa_rating) chr [1:600] "R" "PG-13" "R" "PG" "R" "Unrated" "PG-13" "R" ...> levels(movies$mpaa_rating)NULLPlease let me know what to do correction
What is the use of '+' after the ggplot(data=......)?
\n\n\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\tp { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }\n\n\nHow can we give our\nchoice colors to plots and bars?\nCan we fill bars\nwith different styles as dots, pictures?\n\n\n\n\n
How to make 3 D Graph in R what package are require .
11863 visits
Outline:Define aesthetic Need for aesthetic in plotting Draw a scatter plot Customize a scatter plot View the structure of an object View the levels of a categorical variable Draw a bar chart using ggplot Add labels to a plot in ggplot Use the fill argument in aesthetic mapping Draw a histogram using ggplot
Define aesthetic Need for aesthetic in plotting Draw a scatter plot Customize a scatter plot View the structure of an object View the levels of a categorical variable Draw a bar chart using ggplot Add labels to a plot in ggplot Use the fill argument in aesthetic mapping Draw a histogram using ggplot
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