Screenshot:- Clear R workspace<img>rm(list = ls() ) # Declare a variable to read and store moviesData movies <- read.csv("moviesData.csv")# View movies data frameView(movies)moviesComedy <- filter(movies, genre == "comedy")View(moviesComedy)Console:-> # Clear R workspace> rm(list = ls() ) > # Declare a variable to read and store moviesData > movies <- read.csv("moviesData.csv")> # View movies data frame> View(movies)> library(dplyr)Attaching package: ‘dplyr’The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: filter, lagThe following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: intersect, setdiff, setequal, union> moviesComedy <- filter(movies,+ genre == "comedy")> View(moviesComedy)> moviesComedy <- filter(movies,+ genre == "comedy")> View(moviesComedy)
Following error is appearing on writing the command mtcarshpcyl <- filter(mtcarshpcyl,cyl=3 & hp>100)Error in filter(mtcarshpcyl, cyl = 3 & hp > 100) : unused argument (cyl = 3 & hp > 100)> View(mtcarshpcyl)Error in View : object 'mtcarshpcyl' not found
I am facing following error in assignment .Error in select(Ozone, Wind, Temp) : object 'Ozone' not found> View(qualityOWT)Error in View : object 'qualityOWT' not found> airqualityOWT <- select(ozone,Wind,Temp)Error in select(ozone, Wind, Temp) : object 'ozone' not found> View(qualityOWT)Error in View : object 'qualityOWT' not found> airqualityOWT <- select(Ozone,Wind,Temp)Error in select(Ozone, Wind, Temp) : object 'Ozone' not found> View(qualityOWT)Error in View : object 'qualityOWT' not found>
Warning in install.packages : package ‘dblyr’ is not available (for R version 4.0.2)
HiHow can I preserve the car names in the mtcars dataset as it is stored as row names and not a seperate column?ThanksKarthik
In R software we declare large number of variables. How do we know that whether the variable which we are going to declare is already declare or not?As some variable declare in this tutorial moviesGeIm, moviesImD, moviesImA, moviesComDr etc.
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘dplyr’ in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]): namespace ‘pkgconfig’ 2.0.1 is already loaded, but >= 2.0.2 is requiredIn addition: Warning message:package ‘dplyr’ was built under R version 3.4.4
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Outline:What is data visualization Need for data manipulation What is dplyr package Functions in dplyr package Install dplyr package Use filter function Use filter function with a logical operator Use match operator Use arrange function for ascending order Use arrange function for descending order
What is data visualization Need for data manipulation What is dplyr package Functions in dplyr package Install dplyr package Use filter function Use filter function with a logical operator Use match operator Use arrange function for ascending order Use arrange function for descending order
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