log(10^5,10)log: Wrong number of input argument(s): 1 expected.but answer is 5
i am not able to install packages please help me out The error message which i am getting while installing packages is mentioned below . Please have a look .install.packages("plyr")Installing package into ‘C:/Users/HP/Documents/R/win-library/4.1’(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)Warning in install.packages : 'lib = "C:/Users/HP/Documents/R/win-library/4.1"' is not writable
I am not able to understand seq and plot commands thoroughly .Vector in physics is an entity having direction and units then how vector is taking captain names .
its is difficulty to get plots the way it was showing to in videos and further in the assignment the question was explain , i didnot understand what to explain?
seq (-1,2,0.5) is working fine, but z= seq(-1,2,0.5) or z<-seq(-1,2,0.5) are not working. I am using R Studio version 4.0.1
Is R can be used as a substitute of SPSS, If yes to what degree the resultes of R software can be deviate of that SPSS.
I Couldnt find the difference between plot(x,y, type = "c") and plot(x, y, type = "n"). both these argument i am getting same type of plots
How to submit assignment,
names <- c(“Mahi”,”Sourav”,”Azhar”, “Sunny”,”Pataudi”,”Dravid”)
names <- c(“Mahi”,”Sourav”,”Azhar”, “Sunny”,”Pataudi”,”Dravid”) unexpected input in "names <- c(“"
How to submit assignments ?
is R and Rstudio both should be installed for doing R programming?otherwise Rstudio installations is enough to do R programming. As Rstudio is more friendly for me to do code.
difference between R and SPSS
What is the difference between the R programming and SAS programming
output : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nHfeHS7inX-txbedjqF9WA0fUem_mbnh/view?usp=sharingplot(sin, -pi, 2*pi)Sir,please explain first two parameters in this function. sin is first parameter which is x-parameter. but its appearing on Y axis.
sir/madamto practice the basics of R whether i have to open R or Rstudioin the video you are showing two windows but when i am opening R i am able to see only one window
how is R software better than SPSS package and how it will be useful for the researchers
How to Submit assignment
What is the usefulness of using vectors? Is there any other type that we can use instead of vectors?
Which one is better?
Can you orient us the usefulness of the R programming for the social science research.compare the r program with spss packagecan we analyse the cause and effect relationship similar to AMOS in spss through r programming
How R is beneficial for students to get job in MNC?
what does type='l" refers here in plot(x,y,type="l")Plz name the different types available.
Is pre-declaration of variables possible in R? like Perl language,will it provide as optional?
why we need vectors here ? what are its applications? is it like array?
Plot(x,y,type="l") - what type does actually and what all values type takes ?
Dear sir,How to open CSV file of mobile contact & edit make the CSV again which is usable for mobile
Hi..R is a power full language, since we expecting more videos.
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Outline:Version of R and RStudio used Operating systems on which these run Quick introductionon to R and RStudio Resizing the font and window size *, +, -, ^, sqrt exp, log, sin Different ways of invoking log Vectors using seq and length pi Plotting a sine function Defining more points to get a smooth plot Plotting with points and as line Introduction to help
Version of R and RStudio used Operating systems on which these run Quick introductionon to R and RStudio Resizing the font and window size *, +, -, ^, sqrt exp, log, sin Different ways of invoking log Vectors using seq and length pi Plotting a sine function Defining more points to get a smooth plot Plotting with points and as line Introduction to help
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