Hi all, how are you?.I'm making an GUI in scilab to print and update the graph of a second order system with scilab, this GUI has a fram to input the coefficients of the system and a button to calculate and display the system, the problem is that right now the code written in the .sce file is giving me an error or running partially because it says that the function used to print the response of the system is not defined, that function is "Sis_Motor(...)" .The code is the following:// Parámetros globales de ventana global margin_x margin_y; global frame_w frame_h plot_w plot_h; //Inicialización de parámetros de ventana frame_w=300; frame_h=500; //Altura y anchura del marco. plot_w=600; plot_h=frame_h; //Altura y anchura de la impresión. margin_x=15; margin_y=15; //Margen horizontal y vertical para //elementos. defaultfont="arial"; //Fuente por defecto. axes_w=3*margin_x+frame_w+plot_w; //Anchura de los ejes. axes_h=2*margin_y+frame_h; //Altura de los ejes (100 => Altura de la //barra de herramientas). sistem_graf=scf(10); //Crea una ventana con id=10 y la hace la //ventana corriente. //Color de fondo y texto sistem_graf.background=-2; sistem_graf.figure_position=[100 100]; sistem_graf.figure_name=gettext("Comportamiento del motor"); //Cambio de dimensiones de la figura sistem_graf.axes_size=[axes_w axes_h]; //Nuevo menú h2=uimenu("parent",sistem_graf,"label",gettext("Acerca de")); //Agregando submenús al nuevo menú uimenu("parent",h2,"label",gettext("Acerca de"),"callback","Motor_Acerca_De();"); //Creación del marco mi_marco=uicontrol("parent",sistem_graf, "relief","groove", ... "style","frame", "units","pixels", ... "position",[ margin_x margin_y frame_w frame_h], ... "horizontalalignment","center", "background",[1 1 1], ... "tag","frame_control"); //Título del marco titulo_mi_marco=uicontrol("parent",sistem_graf, "style","text", ... "string","Parámetros del sistema", "units","pixels", ... "position",[30+margin_x margin_y+frame_h-10 frame_w-60 20],... "fontname",defaultfont, "fontunits","points", ... "fontsize",16, "horizontalalignment","center", ... "background",[1 1 1], "tag","title_frame_control"); //Adicionando parámetros del modelo guih1=frame_w; guih1o=200; //Lista de etiquetas ordenadas labels1=["La [H]","Ra [Ohm]","In [A]","Par [N*m]","Ke [V/krpm]","j [N/m^2]"]; //Lista ordenada de valores por defecto values1=[0.00074,0.3,8.7,0.48,3.9,0.0035]; //Posicionamiento l1=30;l2=100;l3=110; for k=1:size(labels1,2) uicontrol("parent",sistem_graf,"style","text","string",labels1(k),"position",[l1,guih1-k*20+guih1o,l2,20],"horizontalalignment","left","fontsize",14,"background",[1 1 1]); guientry(k)=uicontrol("parent",sistem_graf,"style","edit","string",string(values1(k)),"position",[l3,guih1-k*20+guih1o,180,20],"horizontalalignment","left","fontsize",14,"background",[.9 .9 .9],"tag",labels1(k)); end //Adicionando parámetros de simulación guih2=240; guih2o=80; labels2=["Tinicio [s]","Tfin [s]","Tpaso [s]"]; values2=["0","0.5","0.001"]; l1=40;l2=100;l3=110; for k=1:size(labels2,2) uicontrol("parent",sistem_graf,"style","text","string",labels2(k),"position",[l1,guih2-k*20+guih2o,l2,20],"horizontalalignment","left","fontsize",14,"background",[1 1 1]); guientry2(k)=uicontrol("parent",sistem_graf,"style","edit","string",values2(k),"position",[l3,guih2-k*20+guih2o,120,20],"horizontalalignment","left","fontsize",14,"background",[.9 .9 .9],"tag",labels2(k)); end //Adicionando un botón huibutton=uicontrol(sistem_graf,"style","pushbutton",... "position",[110 100 100 20],"String","Graficar",... "BackgroundColor",[.9 .9 .9], "fontsize",14,... "Callback","Sistema"); //Gráfico inicial Sis_Motor(values1(1),values1(2),values1(3),values1(4),... values1(5),values1(6)); //Redibujando ventana //Cálculo del sistema function [Wn, Zita, ftr, fta]=Sis_Motor(in, par, la, ra, ke, j) kt=par/in; n=kt/(j*la); b=j/10; d=[((b*ra+ke*kt)/(j*la)) ((b*la+j*ra)/(j*la)) 1]; dpoly=poly(d,'s','c'); t=[values2(1):values2(3):values2(2)]; fta=syslin('c',n,dpoly); ftr=fta/(1+fta); [Wn,Zita]=damp(ftr); graf=csim('step',t,ftr); delete(gca()); plot2(t,graf); legend('Respuesta al escalón'); //Línea vertical. set(gca(),"auto_clear","off"); graf_eje=gca(); graf_eje.axes_bounds=[1/3,0,2/3,1]; endfunction //Graficando la función function Grafi() // delete(gca()); Sis_Motor(alues1(1),values1(2),values1(3),values1(4),... values1(5),values1(6)); // plot2d(t,graf); // legend('Respuesta al escalón'); // set(gca(),"auto_clear","off"); // graf_eje=gca(); // graf_eje.axes_bounds=[1/3,0,2/3,1]; endfunction function Motor_Acerca_De() msg=msprintf(gettext("Aplicación desarrollada por el Ing. Valery Ramirez y basada en los instructivos del equipo de Openeering.")); messagebox(msg,gettext("Acerca de"),"info","modal"); endfunctionThe line with the problem is the 83 after where it says "//Gráfico inicial", the function is called with "Sis_Motor(values1(1),values1(2),values1(3),values1(4),...values1(5),values1(6));"and the function is defined some lines bellow the call.The error is that the funcion (its called variable) "Sis_Motor" is not defined but I don't know why.If anyone can help me with that I'll be very grateful.Thanks in advance for the help
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Outline:Scripts and Functions *Scilabରେ ଫାଇଲ ଫର୍ମାଟର ପରିଚୟ * SCRIPT ଫାଇଲ୍ସ *sce ବନାମ .sci *ଇନଲାଇନ ଫଙ୍କସନ୍
Scripts and Functions *Scilabରେ ଫାଇଲ ଫର୍ମାଟର ପରିଚୟ * SCRIPT ଫାଇଲ୍ସ *sce ବନାମ .sci *ଇନଲାଇନ ଫଙ୍କସନ୍
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