Q1) What is Gerber files? Why do we need the circuit in the gerber files format? How we will use it later, yes you did etching on FR$ Copper cladded sheet but how using Gerber files? Q2)What is ground plane? Why it's placed outside the board outline? What's the role of it in the circuit?Q3)What do we mean by f.silks or say silk layer why we need the in the circuit?Q4)Do we mean f.cu will place the tracks on front side and b.cu on the bottom side of the pcb? Why we need either of them to be distinguished based on the role? Many times I have seen the tracks on front side and many times on the bottom side. Do we differentiate their need based on the space requirement of components to be placed on the pcb?Q5)Why we left the ground terminals without any tracks, how they will get the ground supply from the outside/external ckt.?
madam/sir,I know this is practical subject i.e. eSim but can we have some study or reading writing material such as what is gerber file, FSilk etc we need to know. I am not asking you should provide everything but can something be given to us such as the writing and reading materials available during our college times in practical subjets such as lab journal. We can write many thing here to make notes but this subject is a little bit different i.e. a practical one not like JAVA or C++ where along with lectures we write codes and theories. Here theory is based on the practical knowledge. Please helps the students to do something.
I am creating a pcb design for my solid state relay so in my circuit i already have a phase and neutral but i want to create a proper 3 pin pcb by providing an earth connection to it
I have designed a different circuit ,not in spoken tutorial, but i have doubt. I make tracks in that but they dissapear. Even when i make the boundary for ground. that appears in very light pink color instead of green. and when I do fill or refil. the whole things goes and only the foot prints are left and the edge.cuts margin.. It is same as the one before laying tracks. What should i do?
How to load gerber file in window 10?
I drew the gerber file, inside the diagram, I don't get fill or refilled areas zones
Dear Sir,To create Gerber file Ctrl+Alt+T key is not working on windows 7. Please let me another solution..
I am unable to layout the tracks on PCB. It is even not showing any error through drc.
i am not able to launch gerbview application. iIt says gerbview not found
7975 visits
Outline:* Launching Pcbnew * Selecting working layer. * Placing a track between two nodes. * Adding a ground plane outline for the board. * Adding a ground plane for the board. * Placing Dimensions for the board. * Placing text on the board. * Performing DRC. * Generating Gerber files. * Viewing created Gerber files.
* Launching Pcbnew * Selecting working layer. * Placing a track between two nodes. * Adding a ground plane outline for the board. * Adding a ground plane for the board. * Placing Dimensions for the board. * Placing text on the board. * Performing DRC. * Generating Gerber files. * Viewing created Gerber files.
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