How to plot frequency response of filters using eSim. when I do Transient analysis I am getting correct output but when I do AC analysis, I am getting zero (both input and output)
I have installed the latest version of eSim software in windows 11. Now, i have an issue with unable to fine the PWR_FLAG in KiCad and also 'convert to netlist icon' also missing. where i can get this two things.
Having an error on simulating 3-bit ADC. Pls, give me a simulation.* c:\users\abhishek\esim-workspace\3_bit_adc\3_bit_adc.cir.include 8by3_priority_encoder.sub.include buffer_circuit.sub.include comparator_circuit.subx16 a0 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out0 buffer_circuitx1 lvl7 vin gnd lvl7 gnd a7 comparator_circuitx2 lvl6 vin gnd lvl6 gnd a6 comparator_circuitx8 lvl0 vin gnd lvl0 gnd a0 comparator_circuitx7 lvl1 vin gnd lvl1 gnd a1 comparator_circuitx3 lvl5 vin gnd lvl5 gnd a5 comparator_circuitx6 lvl2 vin gnd lvl2 gnd a2 comparator_circuitx5 lvl3 vin gnd lvl3 gnd a3 comparator_circuitx4 lvl4 vin gnd lvl4 gnd a4 comparator_circuitx15 a1 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out1 buffer_circuitx14 a2 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out2 buffer_circuitx11 a5 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out5 buffer_circuitx12 a4 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out4 buffer_circuitx13 a3 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out3 buffer_circuitx9 a7 lvl7 gnd out7 buffer_circuitx10 a6 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out6 buffer_circuitx17 out7 out6 out5 out4 out3 out2 out1 out0 adc2 adc1 adc0 8by3_priority_encoderv1 lvl7 gnd dc 9v2 vin gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)r1 lvl7 lvl6 100r2 lvl6 lvl5 100r3 lvl5 lvl4 100r4 lvl4 lvl3 100r5 lvl3 lvl2 100r6 lvl2 lvl1 100r7 lvl1 lvl0 100r8 lvl0 gnd 100* u1 a7 plot_v1* u2 a6 plot_v1* u3 a5 plot_v1* u4 a4 plot_v1* u5 a3 plot_v1* u6 a2 plot_v1* u7 a1 plot_v1* u8 a0 plot_v1* u10 out7 plot_v1* u11 out6 plot_v1* u16 out5 plot_v1* u9 out4 plot_v1* u12 out3 plot_v1* u13 out2 plot_v1* u14 out1 plot_v1* u15 out0 plot_v1* u17 adc2 plot_v1* u18 adc1 plot_v1* u19 adc0 plot_v1.tran 5e-03 30e-03 0e-00* Control Statements .controlrunprint allv > plot_data_v.txtprint alli > plot_data_i.txtplot v(a7)plot v(a6)plot v(a5)plot v(a4)plot v(a3)plot v(a2)plot v(a1)plot v(a0)plot v(out7)plot v(out6)plot v(out5)plot v(out4)plot v(out3)plot v(out2)plot v(out1)plot v(out0)plot v(adc2)plot v(adc1)plot v(adc0).endc.end
while converting kicad to Ngspice it is showing that the project does not contain any kicad file for conversion . so, what can I do?
When we are creating a new project, it is showing that no spaces should be provided even though we do not provide them? How to rectify it?
while simulating this circuit it's showing error unable to read analysis file and another dialog box is also appearing saying Error while opening python plotting Editor. Please look at console for more, is the attached netlist of the given circuit :---* c:\users\vansh\esim-workspace\multiplier\multiplier.cir.include PMOS-180nm.libm1 out1 net-_m1-pad2_ ? net-_m1-pad2_ CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1m2 out2 net-_m1-pad2_ net-_m2-pad3_ net-_m2-pad3_ CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1m6 net-_m2-pad3_ net-_m6-pad2_ gnd gnd CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1m5 net-_m1-pad2_ net-_m5-pad2_ gnd gnd CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1m8 net-_m4-pad3_ net-_m5-pad2_ gnd gnd CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1m7 net-_m3-pad3_ net-_m6-pad2_ gnd gnd CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1m3 out1 net-_m3-pad2_ net-_m3-pad3_ net-_m3-pad3_ CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1m4 out2 net-_m3-pad2_ net-_m4-pad3_ net-_m4-pad3_ CMOSP W=2.50u L=0.25u M=1r2 net-_r1-pad1_ out2 70kr1 net-_r1-pad1_ out1 70kinput2 net-_m3-pad2_ gnd sine(0 5m 200 0 0)input1 net-_m1-pad2_ gnd sine(0 -5m 200 0 0)input4 net-_m6-pad2_ gnd sine(0 5m 100 0 0)input3 net-_m5-pad2_ gnd sine(0 -5m 100 0 0)* u2 out2 plot_v1* u1 out1 plot_v1vdd1 net-_r1-pad1_ gnd 1.2.tran 5e-03 25e-03 0e-03* Control Statements .controlrunprint allv > plot_data_v.txtprint alli > plot_data_i.txtplot v(out2)plot v(out1).endc.endcan anyone please help me to solve this problem as soon as possible? As I am unable to find the error?
I am getting the error in kidcad , and after giving trasients, seconds etc.... i converted it and couldn't see anything in the source details tab . And even after giving simuate am getting a error saying that, "Error while opening python plotting Editor. Please look at console for more details" and also NgSpice Fatal Error. Am including my command prompt windows text,Kicad to Ngspice netlist converter==================================Given Kicad Schematic Netlist Info : ['* C:\\Users\\Dell\\eSim-Workspace\\voltagedivider\\voltagedivider.cir', '', '* EESchema Netlist Version 1.1 (Spice format) creation date: 10/19/2021 3:14:43 PM', '', '* To exclude a component from the Spice Netlist add [Spice_Netlist_Enabled] user FIELD set to: N', '* To reorder the component spice node sequence add [Spice_Node_Sequence] user FIELD and define sequence: 2,1,0', '', '* Sheet Name: /', 'R1 IN Net-_R1-Pad2_ 20k\t\t', 'R2 Net-_R1-Pad2_ Net-_BT1-Pad2_ 30k\t\t', 'BT1 IN Net-_BT1-Pad2_ 100\t\t', '', '.end']* C:\Users\Dell\eSim-Workspace\voltagedivider\voltagedivider.cir* EESchema Netlist Version 1.1 (Spice format) creation date: 10/19/2021 3:14:43 PM* To exclude a component from the Spice Netlist add [Spice_Netlist_Enabled] user FIELD set to: N* To reorder the component spice node sequence add [Spice_Node_Sequence] user FIELD and define sequence: 2,1,0* Sheet Name: /R1 IN Net-_R1-Pad2_ 20kR2 Net-_R1-Pad2_ Net-_BT1-Pad2_ 30kBT1 IN Net-_BT1-Pad2_ 100.endSchematic Info after processing Kicad Netlist: ['* eeschema netlist version 1.1 (spice format) creation date: 10/19/2021 3:14:43 pm', '* to exclude a component from the spice netlist add [spice_netlist_enabled] user field set to: n', '* to reorder the component spice node sequence add [spice_node_sequence] user field and define sequence: 2,1,0', '* sheet name: /', 'r1 in net-_r1-pad2_ 20k', 'r2 net-_r1-pad2_ net-_bt1-pad2_ 30k', 'bt1 in net-_bt1-pad2_ 100', '.end']OPTIONINFO in the Netlist ['.end']Reading schematic info for source detailsSource List : []Reading Schematic info for ModelModel available in the Schematic : []QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to MainWindow "", which already has a layoutAC Analysis XML Parse ErrorDC Analysis XML Parse ErrorAnalysis file is presentContent of Analysis file : .tran 5e-03 10e-03 0e-03No source is present in your circuitReading Device model details from SchematicArgument to ngspice command : C:\Users\Dell\eSim-Workspace\voltagedivider\voltagedivider.cir.outComplete Project Path : C:\Users\Dell\eSim-Workspace\voltagedividerProject Name : voltagedividerException Message : [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Dell\\eSim-Workspace\\voltagedivider\\plot_data_i.txt'Exception Message : local variable 'alli' referenced before assignmentException Message: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\Dell\\eSim-Workspace\\voltagedivider\\plot_data_v.txt'
after converting from kicad to ngspice it shows unable to read analysis file.i have checked all the values in the circuit and source and transient details.
when giving positive and negative supply to opamp it shows: conflict problem between pins.severity:error pin 2(power output) of component v1 is connected to pin1(power output) of component v2.How to resolve this?
I have created schematic of practice problem1 of 3 days eSim workshop. I had copied 3 transistors from component library, one of which I deleted. But while doing electrical rule check, I am getting error saying " pin not connected for Q3 " whereas there are only two transistors. Shall I proceed ignoring the error?
After simulation i am getting the plots but my Phyton window is not there
Can you check this
After connecting the power flag still i am getting error which is pin not connected and no connect symbol found on this pin
when I tried doing the same as shown in the video 1. I am not getting the source details options to enter the details so not able to perform the simulation.Thank you
I am not getting any symbols under eSim_devices library.
The waveform of the input signal(sinewave) is not centered around 0-dc value in the ngspice plots as well as the python plot (screenshot attached ). How can I simulate the circuit for pure AC i.e. input centered around 0-dc value? These are transient analysis plots just FYI.
when i clicked on simulate esim closed automatically
Workspace : C:\Users\Rajesh Behra\Desktop\IIT [INFO]: No new project created
It says there should be no space, although i am just giving the name as RC
while simulating RC circuit it showing "Please select the project first. You can either create new project or open existing project"
I'm unable to run the simulation. The application automatically terminates, no error is displayed.
[INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\sainagaraju\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\sainagaraju\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\sainagaraju\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\sainagaraju\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\sainagaraju\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\Desktop\esim [INFO]: Workspace : C:\Users\R sai nagaraju\eSim-Workspace]HOW CAN RECTIFY IT ? I TRIED SO MANY TIMES.....
Dear Sir,Facing problem while opening the schematic of 7805 voltage regulator..
After converting kicad to ngspice and putting the respective values, the conversion takes place successfully. But after simulation, the error appears, 'unable to read analysis file' and 'Error while opening python plotting Editor. Please look at console for more details'. the following appears in the console:[INFO]: Current Project is C:\FOSSEE\projects\RC[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : C:\FOSSEE\projects\RC[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : C:\FOSSEE\projects\RC[ERROR]: Exception Message :list index out of range[ERROR]: Exception Message : integer division or modulo by zeroCan you please explain what should be the solution to the above problem. I have rechecked all the values, but can't get it right.
How do I add potentiometer and speaker in schematic for simulation in eSim
Sir,I am getting this error and simulation is not coming.******** ngspice-31 : Circuit level simulation program** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California.** Please get your ngspice manual from** Please file your bug-reports at** Creation Date: Oct 6 2019 15:17:58******Circuit: * d:\esimprojects\rc\rc.cirDoing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000Warning: v1: no DC value, transient time 0 value usedWarning: singular matrix: check nodes out and outNote: Starting dynamic gmin steppingTrying gmin = 1.0000E-03 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-04 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-05 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-06 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-07 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-08 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-09 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-10 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-11 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin stepWarning: singular matrix: check nodes out and outWarning: Dynamic gmin stepping failedNote: Starting source steppingSupplies reduced to 0.0000% Warning: singular matrix: check nodes out and outTrying gmin = 1.0000E-02 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-03 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-04 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-05 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-06 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-07 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-08 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-09 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-10 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-11 Note: One successful gmin stepTrying gmin = 1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin stepNote: One successful source stepSupplies reduced to 0.1000% Warning: singular matrix: check nodes out and outSupplies reduced to 0.0000% Warning: singular matrix: check nodes out and outWarning: source stepping failedTransient solution failed -Last Node Voltages------------------Node Last Voltage Previous Iter---- ------------ -------------in 0 0out 0 0net-_c1-pad2_ 0 0v1#branch 0 0doAnalyses: iteration limit reachedrun simulation(s) abortedError(parse.c--checkvalid): in: no such vector.Error(parse.c--checkvalid): v1#branch: no such vector.Error: no such vector v(out)Error: no such vector v(in)ngspice 1 ->
I need step down transformer to create voltage regulator schematic ,what to type in place components to get step down transformer to place in schematic.plz give solution
I have created Spice netlist (.cir netlist). However I received an error message "The project does not contain any Kicad netlist file for conversion".
1)At the time of component selection when we type esim_device ,it does not show any component 2)in component library near about 2500 component So please tell me how to select the component from library
As per tutorial, i am trying to place component first time and new window appears as choose component. I can not find any component starting with eSIM there. May i get resolution on this? is any .exe i need to run? or is there any way to browse some file which i dont know?
Sir is their any option available in eSIM for plotting all sub plots into same plot single window?
After generating the netlist cannot able to see the analysis tab in 1.1.2 version of esim
After giving all values and the Kicad to NGspice is successfully converted while simulation its showing as unable to read analysis file. How to resolve it???
While converting kicad to ngspice i am getting error: Your schematic contain unknown model lm7805.I have not taken project folder from spoken tutorial. I have created my won schematic.please guide
I'm trying to create a circuit for seven segment display. I've added a 7_SEGMENT_CA display component to the circuit which is taken from the display library. Hence it shows unknown model while I try to convert from kicad to ngspice. How can I solve this issue? With what can I replace the display with from the eSim library??
Even though I generated netlist but when I am clicking on conversion option it is showing as Project does not contain any Kicad netlist file for conversion
eSim Started......Project Selected : None[INFO]: Workspace : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace[INFO]: New project created : RC[INFO]: Current project is : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC[INFO]: New project created : CCAmplifier[INFO]: Current project is : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[ERROR]: Exception Message :list index out of range[ERROR]: Exception Message : integer division or modulo by zero[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier[ERROR]: Exception Message :list index out of range[ERROR]: Exception Message : integer division or modulo by zero
Unable to simulate the circuit due to python error[INFO]: Workspace : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator/Bistable_Multivibrator.proj[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator[ERROR]: Exception Message :[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator/plot_data_i.txt'[ERROR]: Exception Message :local variable 'alli' referenced before assignment[ERROR]: Exception Message : [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator/plot_data_v.txt'
Sir, after successful conversion of Ngspice ti Kicad the simulation couldnt start. In simulation error in python plotting editor.
sir after convertion to ngspice i am getting an error of python plotting plz respond quickly.
I am not able to find saved projects. i want to do simulation of 7805 voltage regulator.
Dear Sir,In Schematic window, for \r\nchanging the component values in the circuits each time we need to close\r\n the schematic editor and open it once again. Its time consuming. Can \r\nyou suggest us solution?
Where do I save the file?
I am not able to find source,plot,flag to make the schematic of circuit from choose component option. I am windows 10 in my PC
warning appearingglobal label not connected to any other global label?
Greetings Sir!!!Kindly let us know why is this warning appearing about global label not connected to any other global label? Is this issue related to circuit building process or from software algorithm?
difficult to get icon of this global menu
How can we connect component by wire
how to draw circuit and change its parameters
I am not able to place components like resistor ,capacitor, diode etc on grid dot ,Whenever i tried to place component on grid dot the component will automatically shifted between dot of the grid because of which i am not able to connect wire . I had install esim 3 times,But its still not working properly.
when i'm trying to make a project with my name (vishnu) without having a space between the letters then also its shows that there should be no space between the letter how can i solve these problem.
As component is between the two dot of grid of schematic, I am not able to connect wire to the component terminal
after inserting library in device modeling. i clicked on convert button, no action take place
While doing electrical error check, along with global label not connected error (which is ignored as explained)plot input not connected error is coming repeatedly even after repeated wire connections please tell how to avoid that error
Hello Am using OS windows 7 (32-bit). Installation thru and eSIM starts. However after create project and clicking on the Open Schematic button the python command window displays an error after scrolling some more text ! Windows Error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specifiedThis has been repeated in-spite numerous restarts.Am unable to add the error pic dialog in this interface here !!Thanks and regards
Dear Sir,i want add led when convert kicad to Ngspice but i cant search that device under src/deviceModelLibrary/diode folder
error while opening the python plot editor
While creating new project,without giving the space in the name of project it shows the error that 'don't give space between the letters'why it happens?
Sir while creating the schematic layout of the given circuit and going for circuit pin checking i am getting the following error "Pin Connected to some other pin but no pin to drive it ". How to fix it.
circuit disappears. whyrestorarationhow to avoid this
Why we need power flag
all resister values giving same number of peaks?
i got error aspin connected to some other pins but no pin to drive itpin 2 (input) of component Q1 is not driven (Net 5)
'module' object has no attribute 'popall'I am getting this error during plotting
Hello Mam,I'm facing difficulties while saving the current project and opening the new project on editor window..
I type RC as project name but it says The project name should not contain space between them
Dear Sir/ MadamI am not able to connect the components using place wire tool
I am not able to connect components using wire in schematic.
Dear Sir/Madam,when I tried doing the same as shown in the video iam not getting the source details options to enter the details so not able to perform the simulation, kindly help me in this regardThank you
pin connected to some others pins but no pin to drive it.
Where are those spoken tutorials available?
when typing new project name it says "name must not contain any space"
"The project does not contain any Kicad netlist file for conversion" error message shown, when I click on covert Kicad to NGspice.
******** ngspice-26 : Circuit level simulation program** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California.** Please get your ngspice manual from** Please file your bug-reports at** Creation Date: Jan 23 2014 21:34:16******Circuit: * c:\\users\\elcot\\esim-workspace\\fossee\\fossee.cirError on line 14 : d1 0 net-_d1-pad2_ q2n2907a incorrect model typeError on line 15 : 32mhz1 net-_32mhz1-pad1_ net-_32mhz1-pad2_ crystal unknown device type - error Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000Initial Transient Solution--------------------------Node Voltage---- -------vcc 6.36538e-015net-_32mhz1-pad2_ 6.36538e-015net-_q1-pad2_ 6.36538e-015net-_c3-pad1_ -2.91033e-033net-_32mhz1-pad1_ 6.36538e-015net-_d1-pad2_ 6.36538e-015No. of Data Rows : 59Error(parse.c--checkvalid): alli: no such vector.ngspice 1 ->
Error while opening python plotting editor. please look at console for more details error message dialog box appeardoAnalyse: iteration limit reached appears in ngspice dialog box
sirI am unable to open the schematic window as in the video. no window is opened when i click on the schematic button. please help to out.Thank You
Sir,I am unable to find the Ac source in the library of add componants. Moreover the total number of componantsthge video shown in the video shown is 4132 but it is showing only 2509. Please help me to add the componats. Please tell the solution as soon as possible.Thanking You Bharavi Sharma
52158 visits
Outline:* Launch eSim through terminal * Add components to circuit schematic * Connect the components using wires * Annotate the components * Generate spice netlist * Add source details and analysis parameters * Convert Spice netlist to Ngspice format * Simulate the circuit * Understand the multi-meter functionality
* Launch eSim through terminal * Add components to circuit schematic * Connect the components using wires * Annotate the components * Generate spice netlist * Add source details and analysis parameters * Convert Spice netlist to Ngspice format * Simulate the circuit * Understand the multi-meter functionality
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