upon clicking the simulate option in esim, the application closes automatically. Unable to perform simulation,how to resolve this issue?
In the tutorials, a particular value is taken for the analysis, and for the source, can we change the values other than putting the same values which is shown in the Tutorial, if we can choose our own values what are the conditions or rules we should follow?
After doing the same procedure as shown in the video , unable to get the same simulation waveforms as shown in tutorial, it is showing a straight line.
Sir, why we haven't used the power flag in the ground wire in the schematic editor whereas we did the same operation for RC circuit's schematic's ground?
couldn't open the astablemultivibrator project on esim. Its throwing the error message as , "Error: The project doesn't contain any .Proj file. Please select the proper project directory else you won't be able to perform any operations." I couldn't even open the file normally which is saved withe the extension ".sch" and if I open normally its redirecting me to the Autodesk Eagle screen, where its asking me to sign in or create an account. How should I go further?
while simulating 555 astable multivibrator the following error shows up. I have checked all the connections in the schematic and found nothing wrong and the error persists. Can u please tell me what the error means in any circuit and how to rectify it.
When i am doing exercise, in device modeling when add button is clicked library files will not appear for diode transistor
I'm unable to get the same simulation output as shown in the tutorial
Dear Sir,I am unable to run simulation of 555 Astable Multivibrator. The error given in the file as shown below:******** ngspice-31 : Circuit level simulation program** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California.** Please get your ngspice manual from http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/docs.html** Please file your bug-reports at http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/bugrep.html** Creation Date: Oct 6 2019 15:17:58******Circuit: * c:\fossee\esim\examples\astable555\astable555.cirError on line 0 : ) unknown device type - error Reducing trtol to 1 for xspice 'A' devicesDoing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000Warning: Too many analog/event-driven solution alternationsTransient solution failed -Last Node Voltages------------------Node Last Voltage Previous Iter---- ------------ -------------v_out 5 5net-_r1-pad1_ 10 10net-_r1-pad2_ 9.99507 9.99507c_out 9.94573 9.94573net-_c2-pad1_ 6.67761 6.67761x1.18 -65986.8 -65986.8x1.23 3.34705 3.34705x1.9 0.2 0.2x1.2 0.2 0.2x1.20 -65986.8 -65986.8x1.17 32681.2 32681.2x1.19 32681.2 32681.2x1.11 5 5x1.12 0 0e.x1.e1#branch 0 0e.x1.e2#branch 0 0v1#branch -0.000669411 -0.000669411a.x1.a4#branch_1_0 0 0a.x1.a3#branch_1_0 0 0a.x1.a6#branch_1_0 4.03e-12 4.03e-12a.x1.a5#branch_1_0 -0.005 -0.005doAnalyses: Too many iterations without convergencerun simulation(s) abortedError(parse.c--checkvalid): c_out: no such vector.Error(parse.c--checkvalid): a.x1.a3#branch_1_0: no such vector.Error: no such vector v(v_out)Error: no such vector v(c_out)ngspice 1 ->
not getting outputError: bad v() syntaxError: bad v() syntaxError: bad v() syntaxngspice 1 ->
Hello Madam/SirAm getting run time error while simulating 555 based astable multivibrator. Have tried best, am not able to resolve the error. Have verified the simple ckt simulation in LT Spice, and apparently it works. Please do help in resolving the doubt. Am attaching herewith in-line the .out file* c:\\users\\prasad.joshi\\esim-workspace\\astable555\\astable555.cir.include lm555n.sub* u2 net-_c1-pad1_ ic.ic v(net-_c1-pad1_)=0x1 gnd net-_c1-pad1_ net-_r3-pad1_ net-_r1-pad1_ net-_c2-pad1_ net-_c1-pad1_ net-_r1-pad2_ net-_r1-pad1_ lm555nr2 net-_r1-pad2_ net-_c1-pad1_ 10kr1 net-_r1-pad1_ net-_r1-pad2_ 1kc1 net-_c1-pad1_ gnd 1uc2 net-_c2-pad1_ gnd 0.01ur3 net-_r3-pad1_ gnd 1k* u1 net-_r3-pad1_ plot_v1v1 net-_r1-pad1_ gnd dc 5* u2 net-_c1-pad1_ ic.tran 5e-03 4e-03 0e-00* Control Statements.controlrunprint allv > plot_data_v.txtprint alli > plot_data_i.txtplot v(net-_r3-pad1_).endc.enderror reported is:doAnalyses: iteration limit reachedrun simulation(s) abortedError(parse.c--checkvalid): net: no such vector.Error(parse.c--checkvalid): a.x1.a3#branch_1_0: no such vector.Error: bad v() syntaxngspice 1 -> Interrupted once . . .Warning: clearing control structuresngspice 1 -> Thanks indeedregards
Iam getting this error at the last stage of the simulationnet-_22u2-pad2_ 0.66254net-_d2-pad2_ 8.99992net-_22u2-pad1_ 0.00459836net-_22u1-pad1_ 0.00398599v1#branch -0.00842022No. of Data Rows : 1208Error: bad v() syntaxError: bad v() syntaxngspice 1 -> Interrupted once . . .Warning: clearing control structuresngspice 1 ->
after analysis of astable multivibrator source details are blank so what i do next
When Converting KiCad netlist to ngspice netlist, while adding libraries to LED, LED.lib not found!! (schematic drawn own, not taken from Examples)..Pls help!
with conventional 3 global errors I get Error type 3: pin connected to some other pin
Pin connected to some other pin extra error is coming but no pin to drive it
while choosing components what is difference between normal npn transistor and eSim npn transistor? what difference it make in circuit working?
Receiving this error - Your schematic contain unknown model out.Kindly help!!!
LED.lib file and BC547B.lib files are not found in library? What to do?
\r\n\r\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\r\n\r\nError while opening python plotting Editor. Please look at console for more details bash: ngspice : command not found
Unable to solve an issue in Electrical Rule Check at "conflict problem at pins" even after multiple trials. How to solve?
Error in Simulation for astable multivibrator as \r\n\r\np, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\r\n\r\nError while opening python plotting Editor. Please look at console for more details.
why pwr_flag is not connected to gnd in astable multivibrator
Whenever editing the parameter value of device, the schematic editor is freezing or dead. We need to click on the outside area of schematic editor.As for beginner, it is hard to connect the devices with wire, we need to be more carefully in connection. It is sometime loosing the connection with rectangle box and give the errors.
is there possibilities of occurring of any error other then global label error?
after complition of circuit unable to open electrical parameter?
why should ignore global label error?
I have drawn the schematic and followed the instruction as per the video tutorial but I am Not getting the exact output graph after simulating it
what to do in Device Modeling
Please help me out regarding issue
After clicking the add file Didn't get the LED.Lib file and BC547.lib files. what is the solution?
18540 visits
Outline:1. Creating a schematic. 2. Assigning Values to components. 3. Annotating the schematic. 4. Performing Electrical Rules Check. 5. Generating a netlist. 6. Setting transient parameters. 7. Converting KiCad netlist to ngspice netlist. 8. Assigning Device models to the semiconductor components. 9. Simulating the circuit. 10. Understanding the Python Plotting feature and ngspice terminal.
1. Creating a schematic. 2. Assigning Values to components. 3. Annotating the schematic. 4. Performing Electrical Rules Check. 5. Generating a netlist. 6. Setting transient parameters. 7. Converting KiCad netlist to ngspice netlist. 8. Assigning Device models to the semiconductor components. 9. Simulating the circuit. 10. Understanding the Python Plotting feature and ngspice terminal.
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